
Quantive Results Launches Check-ins to Make Execution a Habit for Teams

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March 23, 2023

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Many organizations embrace the objectives and key results (OKR) methodology to ensure employees focus on achieving the most important priorities. One of the other benefits of using OKRs is they tighten employee engagement and drive high-performing teams that work very well together. A big part of that comes from the collaboration and conversations around progress, achievement, and blockers that help identify ways to do things better and faster.  

Unfortunately, many organizations struggle with the “set it and forget it” approach to goal-setting which causes employees to lose sight of and abandon their goals after developing them. As a result, the strategy execution framework becomes a burden rather than an enabler and the benefits get lost in the process.  

At Quantive, we’re ready to help our customers close the strategy execution gap with a better way to stay aligned to achieve their most important organizational goals. Today, we’re thrilled to launch our Check-ins feature to boost collaboration, transparency, and alignment for organizations.  

Check-ins, a new feature of Quantive Results  

Part of the Quantive Results platform, Check-ins is a conversations feature that empowers employees to proactively share context and progress updates on their OKRs. Check-ins help to drive alignment and visibility while boosting collaboration within teams by creating more conversation around the work being done.   

To consistently execute your strategy and stay accountable to your organizational goals, you have to build a habit around OKRs and embed strategic priorities into day-to-day work. Check-ins provide an effective way for teams to focus on the short-term tasks and habits that are necessary to achieve long-term company-wide goals. In fact, teams who have used Quantive Results’ Check-ins feature at least twice a month are five times more likely to engage with their goals on a weekly basis and continue that habit year after year. 

Setting the cadence and the context 

With Check-ins, there are three main functionalities that help employees and managers have better conversations: 

  • Customize Check-ins questions by team or department: Since every person on your team supports different initiatives for your business, we wanted to make sure their Check-In could be personalized to their unique work. To help with this, managers can customize the questions each team member is asked to ensure they’re reporting on the right things and are focused on making progress.  
  • Flexible Check-ins reporting cadence: We know no two teams are alike at your company and the times and context of their weekly check ins will differ. To create a more agile organization, Check-ins enable managers to select how often their team reports on progress, achievements, and challenges to match goal updates to the unique operating rhythm of their team. 
  • Review Check-ins progress over time: The great thing about collecting data over time is you have something to compare it to. The same thing goes for Check-ins. Managers are able to compare current and previous Check-ins stored within the platform to review and track their team’s progress against key objectives over time. 

Everyone benefits from checking-in  

Check-ins are designed to deliver value across the entire organization. For managers, Check-ins help to create a positive team experience with greater cohesion, support, and feedback. Plus, the regular cadence of Check-ins helps to celebrate the wins more regularly, creating a positive and supporting team atmosphere.   

For team members, Check-ins give them better alignment, understanding, and visibility of what teammates are working on while also enabling them to see how their work contributes to the company’s success which leads to greater collaboration. 

In fact, Quantive customer Unbabel, a leading language operations platform, has seen great success using Check-ins as part of their OKR program. They attribute many of the positive cultural shifts across their distributed team to their Goal-Check-in loop — the process of intentionally setting goals and checking in on them routinely as a team. 

“The biggest advantage of this feature is we’re forced to stop and reflect on our work. Thanks to Check-ins, we’ve become more mindful of the planning process and what works best to achieve our goals. The organization’s general understanding of OKRs has improved significantly and teams have become much better at talking about their progress (or lack of it) more openly”.

Get started with Check-ins 

If you’re a current Quantive Results customer, visit our Help Center to learn more about setting up Check-ins for your organization. If you’re new to Quantive and ready to get started, check out pricing plans to see what’s best for your business.  

Quantive empowers modern organizations to turn their ambitions into reality through strategic agility. It's where strategy, teams, and data come together to drive effective decision-making, streamline execution, and maximize performance.  

As your company navigates today’s competitive landscape, you need an Always-On Strategy to continuously bridge the gap between current and desired business outcomes. Quantive brings together the technology, expertise, and passion to transform your strategy from a static plan to a feedback-driven engine for growth.  

Whether you’re a visionary start-up, a mid-market business looking to conquer, or a large enterprise facing disruption, Quantive keeps you ahead — every step of the way. From OKR software to OKR consulting, we help you plan and meet your goals. For more information, visit

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