Accessibility commitment

Our approach to accessibility at Quantive closely aligns with our core principle of integrity and company values. We believe accessibility is a critical requirement, not an optional feature.

Our design standards

Designing accessible products

Here at Quantive, we design our products with accessibility at the foundation, keeping the principles of Universal Design in mind. These design principles have several important pillars for web accessibility which provides our product designers and engineers a greater ability to deliver accessible product experiences for all users of Quantive Results.


The design is useful and accessible to people with diverse abilities. This means ensuring all users can access and use digital content, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.


The design provides multiple ways for users to interact and use the product. This means offering alternative ways to access information or interact with interface elements.

Simple and intuitive

The design is easy to understand and use, regardless of the user's experience or background. This means making sure that the product has clear and consistent navigation, headings, and labels.


The design presents information effectively to users, regardless of their sensory abilities. This means providing alternatives for non-text content, like images and multimedia, so that users with visual or auditory impairments can still understand the content.


The design provides the necessary contrast required for a user to see and interact with content. This means having clear separation of foreground from background, proper contrast ratio, and appropriate use of color.

Tolerant of errors

The design minimizes hazards and adverse consequences of accidental or unintended actions. This means creating forms and interfaces that allow users to review and correct errors in their input.

Low physical effort

The design can be used efficiently and comfortably, with minimal physical effort. This means designing interfaces that can be navigated using keyboard input alone, without relying solely on mouse interaction.

Appropriately spaced

The design provides adequate size and space for users to approach, reach, and manipulate objects. This means ensuring that clickable elements, buttons, and interactive components have sufficient spacing to be easily tapped or clicked.

green churn wheel illustration

Our creation process

Ensuring accessible solutions

To act on our firm commitment to accessibility, we take practical steps to ensure our solutions are accessible. This means that we integrate accessibility at every step of our creation cycle, in addition to formalizing our commitment to WCAG 2.2 AA conformance with an internal policy.

User star icon

Educate our teams

We continually provide education and training for our teams on accessibility.


Design for accessibility

We design with accessibility as a core requirement, not an optional improvement.


Conduct accessibility reviews

We conduct design reviews specifically focused on accessibility.


Ensure browser compatibility

We make sure our code renders to the browser in a conformant way.


Utilize automations

When applicable, we seek to utilize available accessibility automation to improve designs.


Regular testing

We manually test our code with assistive technologies to ensure standards are met.

Compatibility standards

Compatibility expectations

We build Quantive Results to be compatible with the following assistive technologies:

  • Safari with VoiceOver on macOS
  • Chrome with VoiceOver on macOS

Conformance status to WCAG

Compliance status for VPAT

Assessment approach

We welcome feedback

Please let us know of accessibility barriers you encounter in Quantive Results.

Submit feedback